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On his page there are some helpful links that you might find useful. We have selected these links as we have deemed them relevant to astronomy/space/science related activities at the time of listing them on this site. However, please bear in mind that Walsall Astronomical Society is not responsible for the content of these external websites.
By visiting and using the links below, you agree to our conditions as stated on our Privacy Policy page.
WalsallAstro Facebook page - see any posts or photos created by our members.
Walsall Astrophotographers - a Facebook page for Walsall .
Stellarium Online - a fantastic online planetarium that you can see directly in your PC's web browser, or even mobile devices (it's better on a PC). Shows realistic skies and very useful for seeing the positions of objects in the sky at your specific location. You can also download the full software for your computer (see the software links section on this page).
Clear Outside - a wonderful weather forecasting tool provided by First Light Optics.
Astro Buy Sell (UK) - The No. 1 site in the UK dedicated for buying/selling astronomical equipment. It is maintained by a fellow astronomer, and you can also post ads for wanted items.
The Nine Planets - The Nine Planets is an encyclopaedic overview with facts and information about the history, mythology and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system and beyond. Very nice site with a clean layout and even fun facts for kids. - If you are a beginner and need general advice on what telescope is suitable for you or your kids, or what are the different types available, then this site is very useful. It also has reviews of the common ones found on the market.
Astronomy Tools FOV Calculator - This is an excellent simulator for seeing how an object (such as a planet) will look through a certain telescope, eyepiece, Barlow lens or camera (or a combination of these) to give you an idea of what to expect. You can even simulate binoculars. It's very useful to use before you buy equipment, such as imaging cameras.
Imaging Toolbox - an interactive all-sky image survey that works directly in your browser. You can find almost any deep sky object with this, using the Messier catalogue name, NGC, ICC, etc. You can also use Right Ascension and Declination coordinates. You can simulate your camera field of view to see how it would look.
StarLust - A very useful site, that answers a lot of common questions, such as what to consider when buying a telescope, how and when to view each of the planets, what space objects you can see with binoculars, what are asteroids made of, and many more.
Heavens Above- (for Walsall) - information on passes of the International Space Station (ISS), Iridium Flares and more.
ISS Live Now (for iPhone/iPad) - another app that shows you the current position of the ISS, but designed for mobile devices. It also shows you the Earth as the astronauts see it by having a 24/7 video live-stream. For Android users the link is here: ISS Live Now (Android).
British Astronomical Association - lots of very useful information and tutorials for beginners and experts, Astro-imagers, the latest space news, special events, and loads more.
The Sky at Night- the official website of the BBC programme. Contains very useful guides, episodes of the show, videos and so on.
Galilean Moons of Jupiter - A very useful tool that shows you the position of each of Jupiter's Moons right now, or on a specific date and time of your choice to verify the positions.
Stargazers Lounge - a forum that discusses all aspects of astronomy, whether it is about software, seeking advice on equipment, sharing pictures, or observing tips. This place is very good for getting answers to all types of questions, aimed at all levels of experience.
Cloudy Nights - Another very popular forum for astronomy, which imparts advice on a whole multitude of topics, from celestial events, general observing tips, buying equipment such as telescopes, binoculars, eyepieces, or how to see objects such as the Sun, Moon, or even deep sky ones. Also has events listed here. Aimed at all levels.
Astronomy Now - UK's biggest astronomy magazine, with some useful information on their website, especially the UK Sky chart.
Sky and Telescope - another magazine site, but with very good astronomical and observing news. Especially useful is the Interactive Star Chart.
Society for Popular Astronomy - a site dedicated to help beginners of all ages get started in this hobby.
AuroraWatch UK - you can sign-up for free aurora alerts provided by Lancaster University.
British Geological Survey - another free alert service to warn of any geomagnetic activity, with a graphical view of events also.
World Wide Light Pollution Map - shows the light pollution map of the world, which you can zoom right down to your local level. Useful for finding a dark sky site near your location.
NASA - no astronomical site would be complete without a link to NASA.
Cassini Raw Images - also provided by NASA, this gallery contains the full record of Cassini's raw images.
Mars 3D Images - see wonderful 3D images of Mars that have been captured by NASA's Mars Exploration Programme. You will need the blue/red 3D spectacles to see the images in 3D.
Nemetode - A site dedicated to monitoring meteors and capturing their images, trajectory and velocity.
Stellarium Software - instead of using the online version listed above, you may wish to download the software directly to your computer. Once you visit this site, use the links that appear right at the top of the page to download the relevant version for your operating system. If you have problems then just use the online version.
Registax - free image processing software for stacking and enhancing planetary/lunar images by adjusting wavelets. Very popular with amateur astronomers.
Autostakkert! - another very popular free image stacking software, which usually out-performs even Registax. Imagers usually use this for stacking images, then use Registax for wavelets adjustment/enhancement.
Siril - Siril is a very good (and free) astronomical image processing tool. You can take your lights, darks, flats and biases and stack/process them in this free software tool. They have made this really easy to use for beginners. Here's a quick tutorial:
BackyardEOS - a software you can download to control your Canon DSLR camera, purposely built for astrophotography in mind, allowing deep sky exposures.
Cartes du Ciel - translated as 'sky charts', a free software that allows you to draw sky charts in order to prepare for a particular observation.
C2A - stands for Computer Aided Astronomy, which is a planetarium software that allows you to build detailed views of stellar fields. Used by amateur and professional astronomers, it has lots of advanced features and capabilities
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Thursday 20th February @ 8:00pm:
There will be an exciting talk given by Dr David Milligan of the European Space Agency (ESA). The talk will be on the Astronomy missions of Gaia, PLATO and ARIEL, explaining the space operations and some of the science behind them.
Dr David Milligan is a Flight Director and Spacecraft Operations Manager at the European Space Agency’s Mission Operations Centre, in Darmstadt Germany.
Walsall Astronomical Society